Community Film Screenings

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 – The Prison in Twelve Landscapes

More people are imprisoned in the United States at this moment than in any other time or place in history, yet the prison itself has never felt further away or more out of sight. The Prison in Twelve Landscapes is a film about the prison in which we never see a penitentiary. Instead, the film unfolds as a cinematic journey through a series of landscapes across the USA where prisons do work and affect lives, from a California mountainside where female prisoners fight raging wildfires, to a Bronx warehouse full of goods destined for the state correctional system, to an Appalachian coal town betting its future on the promise of prison jobs..

6:00 pm – Film
7:30 pm  – Panel Discussion with filmmaker, Brett Story, and community leaders from POWER NE, the Coalition Against Death By Incarceration (CADBI) and others.

The Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts
321 E 3rd Street
Bethlehem, PA 18015

View Trailer

Circles – This screening has been postponed.  New date and time to be announced.
In the Yukon, an innovative program is bringing a traditional form of Aboriginal justice–circle sentencing–to the Canadian justice system. Sentencing circles don’t focus on punishment. Instead, they bring together the perpetrator of a crime, his or her victims, and peers and family in an effort to bring healing to the community.
For many Aboriginal men in the North, going to jail was a natural extension of attending missionary-run schools. Brothers Harold and Phil Gatensby, who have both done their share of jail time, now participate in circles as a way to allow offenders to break the cycle of crime, court and prison. The program works so well that Aboriginals from the Yukon have helped set up similar programs elsewhere in Canada and in the US. The circle is a powerful alternative to prison terms imposed by courts–not only for Aboriginal people in the North but, potentially, for all communities.
Part of the Voices of Consciousness: Toward Racial Equality series as well as the IceHouse Tonight Series.